Three years ago, the Experientia Foundation launched the "Cool Chemistry" project, providing active chemistry teachers from secondary and primary schools with grants for equipment to make chemistry lessons more engaging. In its fourth year, we are joining the project to increase the funding and reach more teachers. Together with the Experientia Foundation, we are distributing a total of 500,000 CZK – with micro-grants of 20,000 CZK each going to 25 teachers.

“Cool Chemistry is a great project, as we can see from the teachers' interest, and we are very happy to be involved. We hope that the increased funding will help teachers create even better and more ambitious projects,” says Dušan Brinzanik, director of the IOCB Tech Foundation.

Since the start of the program in 2021, 65 chemistry teachers have been supported to purchase equipment and enhance their chemistry lessons. “Among the items were laboratory tools, chemicals, distillation apparatus, and even equipment for experiments in a microwave oven,” lists Hana Dvořáková, the founder of the Experientia Foundation.

The fourth round of the Cool Chemistry competition is open for applications until October 15, 2024, via a simple form found here (in Czech). Chemistry teachers can apply for grants to fund student projects or to purchase small laboratory equipment, glassware, chemical software, teaching aids, or specialized literature. Projects will be evaluated by an independent selection committee comprising experts in the fields of chemistry, didactics, and youth talent development. The evaluation criteria include the project's attractiveness, the level of student involvement, and the expected impact on improving chemistry education. The winning projects will be announced by November 30, 2024.

The Experientia Foundation is contributing 200,000 CZK, while the IOCB Tech Foundation is adding 300,000 CZK to the program.